
Senior Research Engineer@AIRS Company
Self-Driving Car Engineer@Udacity Graduate

As a software engineer and entrepreneur, I have successfully launched and reliably operated services in various domains in a rapidly changing environment.
My recent interests are functional programming, distributed system, machine learning, and autonomous vehicles.

  • You can see the interview with people & kakao here
  • Full employment history can be found here


Some recent talks


I make occasional writings on my Medium

Traffic Sign Recognition

This is my attempt to tackle traffic signs classification problem with a deep neural network implemented in PyTorch (reaching 99.33% accuracy)...

Variable hoisting in Ruby

A few days ago, I found a strange thing to look at the code of my colleagues. The code that caused the error was working well. Through a...


Featured personal projects. All my projects can be found in my Github

Advanced Lane Finding

Built an advanced lane-finding algorithm using distortion correction, image rectification, color transforms, and gradient thresholding. Identified lane curvature and vehicle displacement. Overcame environmental challenges such as shadows and pavement changes.

Vehicle Detection and Tracking

Created a vehicle detection and tracking pipeline with OpenCV, histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), and support vector machines (SVM). Optimized and evaluated the model on video data from a automotive camera taken during highway driving.

Traffic Sign Classification

Built and trained a deep neural network to classify traffic signs, using PyTorch. The highlights of this solution would be data preprocessing, trained with heavily augmented data and using Spatial Transformer Network.

Use Deep Learning to Clone Driving Behavior

Built and trained a convolutional neural network for end-to-end driving in a simulator, using TensorFlow and Keras. Used optimization techniques such as regularization and dropout to generalize the network for driving on multiple tracks.

Semantic Segmentation

Labeled the pixels of a road in images using a Fully Convolutional Network (FCN).

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